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Interviews about preproduction and shooting of “Notre-Dame on Fire”, by Jean-Jacques Annaud
Rekindling the Fire

A true afficionado of unique projects, filmmaker Jean-Jacques Annaud offers viewers a dive into the heart of one of 2019’s major international news events, with his new film Notre-Dame on Fire. Both a fiction and a documentary, this 20 million Euro production strives to recreate as accurately as possible the accidental fire that ravaged the emblematic cathedral. The film features both real-life characters played by actors and certain protagonists playing their own role (such as the Mayor of Paris). This is an interview with Jean-Yves Asselin, executive producer, Jean Rabasse, production designer, Jean-Marie Dreujou, AFC, director of photography, and Jean-Christophe Magnaud, special effects director on set. (FR)
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