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"Portrait of a serial killer", by François Reumont for the AFC Cinematographer Manuel Alberto Claro, DFF, discusses Lars Von Trier’s “The House That Jack Built”

In 2018, amidst a new and youthful selection of directors, one of Cannes’ seasoned filmmakers is back after been "persona non grata" at the Festival since 2011 as a result of his statements regarding Hitler during the press conference for Melancholia. Lars von Trier is definitely not a neo-Nazi, but his sin was to have made a particularly ill-advised attempt at Scandinavian humour. The House That Jack Built portrays a serial killer played by Mat Dillon, starring alongside Bruno Ganz and Uma Thurman. This is cinematographer Manuel Alberto Claro’s, DFF, third film in a row with the Copenhagener director. (FR)
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