New members of the AFC…

Panasonic, a new partner
by Rémy Chevrin, AFC

It is with great pleasure that we welcome within the AFC, Panasonic Cinema, which many directors of photography have already had the opportunity to know while shooting feature films and television.
In the coming weeks their representative in France, Guilhem Krier, will provide a more detailed presentation of the company and its various activities.

Tom Stern, ASC, and now AFC
by Willy Kurant ASC, AFC

We are pleased to welcome Tom in his migration to the AFC.
Usually, it’s AFC members who knock on the door of the ASC to become members!
Why this attachment to France for a DP who is à la mode because of his work on the films of Clint Eastwood? He started as a gaffer for 18 years with Clint… and DPs Bruce Surtees, Owen Roizman and Jack Green.

Tom Stern
by Bruno Delbonnel

I am very honored to sponsor Tom Stern to the AFC. I met him two years ago at Camerimage. I was impressed by his work on Mystic River and Million Dollar Baby. I saw in those films what I found absolutely remarkable in the work of Haskell Wexler, Vilmos Zsigmond or Conrad Hall: the distortion of what could be described as a realistic image.

Tom Stern, ASC, at the AFC
by Remy Chevrin

It was during an evening in Cannes that I had the pleasure and the honor to meet Tom Stern: he was the president of the jury for the Vulcan prize for Technical Artist awarded by the CST, and I was able to spend a few hours talking with him about the business and the responsibilities it engenders.

Welcome to the new associate members, Bogen Imaging France, KGS France, Iris Caméra, Locaflash, Telégrip (TSF Group), Maluna Productions

Bogen Imaging France What could be more magical, in films, than the self-blocking articulated arm known as... the magic arm? We are all familiar with it because we use it for setting up our lighting, tripods, joints, stands and other studio accessories developed by Lino Manfrotto. In 1989, Multistand Co, established two years previously by Thierry Martin, became Manfrotto France. The firm specialised in the distribution of a great variety of brands connected with cinema, video and photography and Bogen Imaging France - the new name (…)

Benjamin Bergery
by Philippe Pavans

At one of its meetings prior to the summer, the Board decided to appoint Benjamin Bergery as a consultant member of the AFC.

Maurice and Roger Fellous
Two new honorary members for the AFC

  • Roger and Maurice Fellous, seen through the eyes of Georges Lautner
    Georges Lautner talks about the time he spent with his " Uncle Operators ", the new honorary members of the AFC. (Editor’s note)
  • Welcome to our new honorary members, by Jean-Jacques Bouhon
    Just a few words to say how happy I am to welcome Roger and Maurice Fellous to our ranks. It brings back memories of the early days of my career.

by Eric Guichard

With the arrival in January of Yves Lafaye, Pascal Poucet and Jean-Louis Vialard, there are now eighty active members. At the start of 2005, I would like to pay homage and warmly thank the active members, associate members and founder members of the AFC. They can be proud of their baby.