Two Pictures a Day in Amman (1)

Semaine 1

by Gilles Porte AFC newsletter n°244

[ English ] [ français ]

Gilles Porte, AFC, et Samuel Lahu, son assistant opérateur, sont actuellement en tournage en Jordanie. Ils se sont accordés pour nous envoyer chaque jour deux extraits du journal en images qu’ils tiennent quotidiennement sur le film 3000 Nights, réalisé par Mai Masri. Découvrez les images de leur première semaine de travail.
Carlo died during the night between Sunday and Monday - Cinematographer Carlo Varini, AFC, passed away in an accident during the night between Sunday and Monday… I was his assistant when I was just starting out in the profession… I paid my respects to the man to whom I owe a great deal by leaving a flashing light bulb on in the prison where we're about to begin filming… Then Samuel showed up…” <i>(Gilles, Tuesday 27 May)</i>
Carlo died during the night between Sunday and Monday
Cinematographer Carlo Varini, AFC, passed away in an accident during the night between Sunday and Monday… I was his assistant when I was just starting out in the profession… I paid my respects to the man to whom I owe a great deal by leaving a flashing light bulb on in the prison where we’re about to begin filming… Then Samuel showed up…” (Gilles, Tuesday 27 May)

Paris-Amman - This time the camera made the trip before I did, but I am travelling to Jordan with a pregnant woman's belly in my suitcase. <i>(Samuel, Tuesday 27 May)</i>
This time the camera made the trip before I did, but I am travelling to Jordan with a pregnant woman’s belly in my suitcase. (Samuel, Tuesday 27 May)

Nada and her Mac - Nada, 2<sup class="typo_exposants">nd</sup> Assistant Director, is waiting before transferring her office and her Mac to the location where we're shooting, 30 minutes outside Amman… We still haven't finalized our shooting schedule… We've still got it planned out over a period of 35 days, but the producers are asking us to condense it into 34 days… The screenplay is still being finalized and we're only 5 days away from the beginning of shooting. <i>(Gilles, Wenesday 28 May)</i>
Nada and her Mac
Nada, 2nd Assistant Director, is waiting before transferring her office and her Mac to the location where we’re shooting, 30 minutes outside Amman… We still haven’t finalized our shooting schedule… We’ve still got it planned out over a period of 35 days, but the producers are asking us to condense it into 34 days… The screenplay is still being finalized and we’re only 5 days away from the beginning of shooting. (Gilles, Wenesday 28 May)

Zarqa - This is a prison in a military camp that was used as a set for <i>Zero Dark Thirty</i>. For them, it was an indeterminate Arabic place, for us, it's Israel… We're preparing the equipment under the scorching hot sun. <i>Photogram (Samuel, Wednesday 28 May)</i>
This is a prison in a military camp that was used as a set for Zero Dark Thirty. For them, it was an indeterminate Arabic place, for us, it’s Israel… We’re preparing the equipment under the scorching hot sun. Photogram (Samuel, Wednesday 28 May)

Make-up tests - “Nesrine Falleh, the lead actress of <i>3000 Nights</i> with whom we won't be filming… We were supposed to start in 2 days! <i>(Gilles, Thursday 29 May)</i>
Make-up tests
“Nesrine Falleh, the lead actress of 3000 Nights with whom we won’t be filming… We were supposed to start in 2 days! (Gilles, Thursday 29 May)

Zarqa - Test photo for the colour temperature of the street lamps, nobody noticed the black cat. <i>(Samuel, Thursday 29 May)</i>
Test photo for the colour temperature of the street lamps, nobody noticed the black cat. (Samuel, Thursday 29 May)

Day trip to Beyrouth - Amman Airport, 11:55 PM… I am taking a day trip from Amman to Beirut to meet with Mahmoud and Ken of the Postoffice Laboratory. None of us has ever worked with the Sony F55 before… <i>(Gilles, Friday 30 May)</i>
Day trip to Beyrouth
Amman Airport, 11:55 PM… I am taking a day trip from Amman to Beirut to meet with Mahmoud and Ken of the Postoffice Laboratory. None of us has ever worked with the Sony F55 before… (Gilles, Friday 30 May)

Amman - Jebel Al Weibdeh, day off, view from the flat, before hitting the city on foot. <i>(Samuel, Friday 30 May)</i>
Jebel Al Weibdeh, day off, view from the flat, before hitting the city on foot. (Samuel, Friday 30 May)

The production office strangely empty - I pay a visit to the producers… It's strangely empty… I am told that the team has been asked to stop work for a few days in order to find another actress to play the role of Laval: she will have to be present for all 33 days of filming. <i>(Gilles, Saturday 31 May)</i>
The production office strangely empty
I pay a visit to the producers… It’s strangely empty… I am told that the team has been asked to stop work for a few days in order to find another actress to play the role of Laval: she will have to be present for all 33 days of filming. (Gilles, Saturday 31 May)

Zarqa - The situation is becoming complicated, the lead actress is being replaced, shooting has been delayed by a week. I've repatriated the camera to the production offices. <i>(Samuel, Saturday 31 May)</i>
The situation is becoming complicated, the lead actress is being replaced, shooting has been delayed by a week. I’ve repatriated the camera to the production offices. (Samuel, Saturday 31 May)

Poor bonsai! - Ossama, the executive producer, discretely shows me the photo of a red flower that he has just sent using his mobile to his wife, director Anne Marie Jacir, who decided to prolong her stay in Europe following the Cannes Film Festival. Beneath his desk, I noticed a sickly-looking bonsai… <i>(Gilles, Sunday 1 June)</i>
Poor bonsai!
Ossama, the executive producer, discretely shows me the photo of a red flower that he has just sent using his mobile to his wife, director Anne Marie Jacir, who decided to prolong her stay in Europe following the Cannes Film Festival. Beneath his desk, I noticed a sickly-looking bonsai… (Gilles, Sunday 1 June)

D Day - Shooting has now been delayed by two weeks. <i>(Samuel, Sunday 1 June)</i>
D Day
Shooting has now been delayed by two weeks. (Samuel, Sunday 1 June)

Dead Sea - Samuel, the Focus Puller, and Kéké, the Location Manager... <i>(Gilles, Monday 2 June)</i>
Dead Sea
Samuel, the Focus Puller, and Kéké, the Location Manager... (Gilles, Monday 2 June)

Waterline - Dead Sea, we're floating in overly salty water. The shooting diary is taking a funny turn… <i>(Samuel, Monday 2 June)</i>
Dead Sea, we’re floating in overly salty water. The shooting diary is taking a funny turn… (Samuel, Monday 2 June)

Quand Hélène Louvart, AFC, m’appelle mi-avril pour savoir si je suis libre en juin et juillet pour la remplacer en Jordanie sur un film qu’elle ne pourra finalement pas faire, j’avoue ne rien connaître de ce pays bien que les expériences de tournages dans le monde arabe ne me soient pas totalement étrangères***.
Après la lecture du scénario, de longs échanges avec Mai Nasri, la réalisatrice, et d’autres avec les différentes productions – Philistine Films (Jordanie), Nour Productions (Liban) et Les Films d’Ici (France) –, je suis engagé (je crois pouvoir dire aussi « je m’engage… ») sur le film 3000 Nights avec l’autorisation d’emmener Samuel Lahu dans mes bagages...
Samuel, c’est mon assistant et un peu plus... Il m’a déjà accompagné dans 25 pays...
Dès son arrivée à Amman, le 27 mai, Samuel et moi décidons de faire chacun une photo par jour et ce jusqu’à notre retour à Paris.
Nous travaillerons avec deux focales différentes : un 35 mm pour Samuel et un 50 mm pour moi !
Nous accompagnerons toujours nos images de quelques mots…
Nous nous autoriserons le recadrage, le format horizontal ou vertical, la couleur ou le noir et blanc et à changer d’appareil de prises de vues parfois : notre photo du jour pourra être tirée d’un de nos iPhone (que nous aurons toujours avec nous) ou être un photogramme du film tourné avec une Sony F55 et des optiques Zeiss Compact Prime…

Gilles Porte

*** Deux films en Tunisie, un film en Egypte et un autre au Maroc...

Synopsis de 3000 Nights
Layal, institutrice palestienne, mariée de fraîche date, est arrêtée et incarcérée dans un quartier de haute sécurité d’une prison israélienne. Elle y donne naissance à un garçon. Tiraillée entre son instinct de mère et les difficiles décisions qu’elle doit prendre, elle lutte pour survivre et élever son fils derrière les barreaux, tout en trouvant à travers ses relations avec les autres prisonnières le temps et l’espace de réfléchir, se développer et s’affirmer en tant que jeune femme.