For Jimmy Glasberg
By Stéphane Cami, AFC, and Etienne Fauduet, AFCÉtienne Fauduet, AFC
The camera was a part of Jimmy’s body; I was his assistant in the mid-1970s.
We’d met, water up to mid-thigh, in the Gironde!
I’d been hired as a "spare tire" on Hu-Man, by Jérôme Laperrousaz, a film on which he was the DoP. Image, always the image.
A bit later, we shot advertisement parodies near Beauvais, directed by Charles Nemes, with the actors of the Splendid for their show. Jimmy and I would make the round trip, he on his Susuki and I on my Honda. Of course, we couldn’t let the opportunity to race one another pass. No matter who arrived first, he was the winner: he had twice as many repairs to make to his motorcycle as I did! I owe a lot to Jimmy Glasberg’s generosity and warmth, the "Pole" of Cavaillon: my first second crew (alongside Jeanne Moreau and Therence Stamp); my first feature film…
Goodbye Jimmy; my thoughts go out to your loved ones.
Stéphane Cami, AFC
I barely knew Jimmy but I was very moved by his death. I met him when I was a young DoP, we’d met at Gédéon, a production company. His kindness, his humanity, and his willingness to share what he knew, moved me.
I would also run into him at the AFC assemblies, where his southern accent was always a beam of sunlight.
A few months ago, I spoke to him on the telephone following the message the AFC published in support of the strikes for wage increases.
He’d called me, enthusiastic and in agreement with the message. I found in him the warm, enthusiastic, engaged man who was still passionate about his profession. We discussed his shoots, and the project he was working on of mounting a film that he had the dailies of. He briefly touched on his health problems. Now, Jimmy has left us and he has left a great void in our profession and our association.
(Translated from French by A. Baron-Raiffe, for the AFC)