About the AFC
The membership of the AFC comprises most of France’s most recognized cinematographers. They distinguish themselves at the forefront of both art and technology through their work on both French and international productions.
Their work has been recognized with awards at many international film festivals.
Our active members are inducted upon recommendation by their peers. Manufacturers and service providers provide us active support as associate members.
They also support us at events such as trade shows, demonstrations of new equipment, or screenings.
We also benefit from an important grant from the CNC for both our daily operations and specific projects, such as
- The cinematographers guidelines 2023
- our website->www.afcinema.com->https://www.afcinema.com/?&lang=en]
- Cinédico, a multi-lingual lexicon on the theme of cinematographic and audiovisual techniques
- our Micro Salon AFC show that we organize each year
- the AFC’ Prize
- Les Cahiers Lumières
This cooperation between users, suppliers, and institutions allows us to make our voice heard, fight for the continued existence of quality cinematography, test out new techniques, and, in the tradition of the French artistic and cultural debate, affirm our talents as directors’ partners in artistic creation.
As a co-founder of Imago, the European Federation of Cinematographers, the AFC intends to fight for the respect of cultural identities and the preservation of the very mechanisms that have allowed these identities to survive and helped our industry to thrive.
- AFC - 8, rue Francœur - 75018 Paris
- Tel. : + 33 1 42 64 41 41
- Fax : + 33 1 42 64 42 52
- E-mail : afc chez afcinema.com
Board Members for 2023
- Ricardo Aronovich and Pierre-William Glenn, Honorary Presidents,
- Jean-Marie Dreujou, President,
- Nathalie Durand, Vice-President,
- Gilles Porte, Attached to the Presidency,
- Michel Benjamin, Attached to the Administration,
- Baptiste Magnien, General Secretary,
- Yves Cape, Treasurer,
- Jean-François Hensgens, Attached to relations with Associates Members,
- Nicola Loir,
- Stephan Massis.
Others Board Members
- Lucie Baudinaud,
- Sarah Blum,
- Rémy Chevrin,
- Patric Duroux
- Thomas Favel,
- Fabrizio Fontemaggi,
- Romain Lacourbas,
- Guillaume Le Grontec,
- Pascale Marin
- Steeven Petitteville,
- Aymerick Pilarski,
- Davis Ungaro
Administration and contact
- Marie Garric
Editors of the AFC’s Newsletter (La Lettre de l’AFC)
- Chief editor, Marc Salomon,
- Editor, Laurent Andrieux
- Jean-Noël Ferragut, co-editor of the website (not a member of the CA).1 _