The idea for the Technovision Classic lenses goes back to the iconic Technovision Lenses from the 70’s of last century that had been used for hundreds of impressive widescreen feature films like Leon (DoP Thierry Arbogast, AFC), Subway (DoP Carlo Varini, AFC), Evita (DoP Darius Khondji, AFC, ASC), Apocalypse now (DoP Vittorio Storaro, ASC, AIC) and many more. Due to the change to digital and scalable modern sensor technology a full frame version is the desired achievement. Coverage the larger sensors of cameras such as the Sony Venice, RED Monstro and the Arri Alexa LF was a design key element to offer a future proofed creative product.
New Website, Carry rack for Sony Venice extension, the shooting of three feature lengths and three TV series (one photographed by an AFC member), and one movie on screen (photographed by an AFC member), are in the latest news from Next Shot.
Grenoble is a town in the French Alps surrounded by high mountains that prevent you from ever seeing the horizon. In the cold season, the sun may appear then suddenly disappear several times a day.
In addition to all StarliteHD+ functionalities, the StarliteHD-m, with metadata aggregator is really an electronic toolbox; this small monitor can provide the necessary tools, whatever the job or the requirement.
While previous versions of LiteMat changed the way we light, LiteMat Spectrum changes everything, from pre-production planning to post-production workflow, allowing a filmmaker’s true vision to become a reality… all while maintaining the great features of the over ten thousand LiteMats in use globally.
In the latest news from ACS France, the release in theatres of Nous finirons ensemble, by Guillaume Canet and photographed by Christophe Offenstein, shot with our Russian Arm on a boat. This month, we are talking aerial coordination, with all types of aircrafts, used on big budget films and films shot by AFC members.
Michael B. Chait, director of Evolution Wolf Hound, a World War II Action Movie photographed by Westley Gathright, speaks about the shooting with P+S Technik‘s Evolution 2X anamorphic lenses.
In May at Cartoni France, the announcement of two new camera supports : the C3 VacuMount system and the new stabilizing arm Idea Vision Hybris’s Shock Absorber.
The P+S Technik LensChecker proved to be a valuable tool for the fast workflow of the 2nd unit on Sony’s new Charlie’s Angels feature film. The 2nd unit camera crew led by DoP Klemens Becker (Bourne Franchise, Gladiator, Blood Diamond) had the chance to test one of the first devices on set in Hamburg.
In the news from Panasonic in May, the release of the Ver.8.0 of the VariCam LT, the shooting of a series episode with seven VariCams LT and seventeen EVA1s, and the shooting a musical drama with ten VariCams LT.
In 2017, the Ministry of Culture offered cinematographer Guillaume Schiffman to honor him by making him “Knight of the National Order of Merit.” Being offered that so-evocatively named reward pleased the man no end... but he never finished filling the proper documents and never went to fetch it.
In cinema today, the trend is to miniaturization, like that of cameras (for example: the Red and Alexa Mini), which resulted in a shrinking of the machinery but also a lightening of accessories. However, optics remains a technical tool bound by the laws of physics. It is now possible to enter an impressive number of pixels into a camera sensor the size of a fingernail.
Exalux will be present at the NAB on the LiteGear stand, from April 4 to 11 for the official launch of the Connect and Control ranges in the USA and introduces to Control Sky, a hybrid "5 in 1" wireless DMX controller specifically designed to control up to 20 SkyPanels® and compatible with any DMX device.
The whole ACS team would like to thank the AFC for the latest Micro Salon which took place at the Parc Floral in Paris. It was great to meet everyone who visited our stand. Over the two days, we were able to present our latest technologies and respond to questions about our activities – but if you want to know any more about what we do – don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Director of photography, member of the AFC, Vincent Jeannot has been in the business for more than 40 years. He has filmed with Henri Alekan, Luc Besson on Le Dernier combat, Subway and Le Grand bleu, among others. With Françis Huster and Jean-Paul Belmondo in Un homme et son chien. In summer 2018, he shot a feature film in Burgundy. To choose his lights, he went to Jacqueline Delaunay (Acc&Led), where he met Régis Prosper (Cartoni France), who offered him to try out the Lumos Hawk 150 LED projector.
A new Scorpio stabilized Head V, new things in Sony Venice: Firmware 3.0 and Extension System, are in the latest news from Next Shot, as well as the shooting of three feature lengths, of which one photographed by an AFC member, and a TV series.
The V3.0 of the EVA1 is now available. It’s include a new generation of Codec: the HEVC (or h265) that allows 4K/50p 10bits internal recording. (Current codec can record 4K/50p 8bits only) As HDR requires 10bits recording, EVA1 v3.0 can be used for 4K/50p HDR productions. Moreover, it supports wired connection to RCP (from CyanView) or to our ROP app. This can open new market for EVA1: muticam live shooting.