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Articles (2)
Death of Ross Lowell (1926-2019)
The Inventor of “Lowel-Lights” and of “Gaffer Tape”
In memoriam
Ross Lowell died on 15 February 2019 at the age of 92. He was the inventor of the lighting system that bears his name, the Lowel-Light, and of the famous “gaffer tape,” an accessory that has become as commonplace as it is indispensable.
Disparition de Ross Lowell (1926 - 2019)
Inventeur des "Lowel-Lights" et du "Gaffer Tape"
In memoriam
Décédé le 15 février 2019 à l’âge de 92 ans, Ross Lowell était l’inventeur du système d’éclairage qui porte son nom, Lowel-Light, et du célèbre "gaffer tape", accessoire devenu aussi banal qu’indispensable.