Birth of a new medium about topical photo-cinematographic "art"
By Richard Andry, AFCRonny was for many years the formidable editor-in-chief of British Cinematographer, a post he had to leave due to the economic restructuring of the publishing house.
I say friend because during all these years of activity at B.C, he never forgot AFC and, more broadly, the French-speaking directors of photography. I know this because I was often his intermediary in terms of contacts and information and many of our members have been able to benefit from this international visibility. In return, he was very generous in terms of information sharing and in turn knew how to relay the news of our events that we wanted to broadcast : Micro Salon, Post-Production Days... and had come to Micro Salon 2018 to lead a panel discussion around producer / cinematographer relationship with Chris Menges, ASC, BSC, and Iain Smith. In addition to being a passionate, talented and competent witness to our professions and those who practice them, he is a beautiful and generous person who deserves to be called a friend. He was telling me lately : Cinematography is my life’s work field... and now I have the opportunity to do something really special to support, empower and inspire the community of people involved in visual storytelling.
In this time of Vendée Globe race around the World, I wish him fair winds and following seas.
Bonjour Monsieur Coeur De Lion !
I hope all is well.
As you know, I have been away… but now I am back, with exciting news !
Just to let you know that I am launching Cinematography World soon in PRINT, ONLINE and DIGITAL !
As the name implies, it will be globally embracing – printing six times a year,
with an active online hub. It is my mission to make it the best of its kind… by light years !
A simple landing page is now ’live’ where people can register their interest, and receive a welcome note from the editor… me ! Our website will go live in December, and edition #001 will publish early in the New Year.
I would be hugely grateful if you can spread the word, and share this email amongst industry friends, IMAGO members and members of the AFC, encourage them to sign up too !
Please follow us on social media as well !
I will be back shortly with details of editorial opportunities and deadlines.
Announcing Cinematography World please sign up here now at…
All the best and thank you for your help...
Ron !
Follow us on :
Facebook : Cinematography-World-103612911546479
Twitter : @Cinematog_world
LinkedIn : cinematography-world
(The thumbnail image above shows a part of a Ron Prince’s photo by Joe Short.)