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Articles (30)

Rachel Clark looks back at the cinematography of "Edge of Summer", directed by Lucy Cohen
By François Reumont for the AFC

Les entretiens de Camerimage 2024

Lucy Cohen’s first film is a summer portrait of a boy and a girl leaving childhood. Filmed in a village on the Cornish coast, with windswept cliffs, this very sensitive film is based on the relationships and unsaid things between adults and their children. British cinematographer Rachel Clark shot the film. It runs for the Golden Frog (Best image for a first film) at Camerimage 2024. (FR)

Interview with DoP Sebastian Klinger about "Sew Torn", by Freddy Macdonald
By François Reumont

Les entretiens de Camerimage 2024

Telling the story of a kind of Amélie Poulain with sewing superpowers, Sew Torn is a bit of a UFO in this panorama selection of contemporary cinema. Coming from German-speaking Switzerland, where this film was shot in a peaceful town lost in an idyllic valley. Director of photography Sebastian Klinger comes to talk to us about this shoot where the actress is killed at least three times on screen, and where the influence of the Coen brothers sometimes hovers over the crazy situations and somewhat strange characters. (FR)

Juan Palacios looks back at "As the Tide Comes In", the documentary he directed and lensed
"The Island of King Gregger", by François Reumont for the AFC

Les entretiens de Camerimage 2024

Entirely filmed on the small island of Mandø, located on the southwest coast of Denmark, Basque filmmaker Juan Palacios’ documentary is both a tender portrait of its inhabitants and a testimony to life continuing against all odds in the face of rising sea levels and climate change. Shot in a 2.35:1 aspect ratio by the director himself, the film resolutely oscillates between a documentary approach in its content and a highly cinematic stylization in its form. We revisit with him this exploit, which took several years, spanning from the pandemic to the initial interactions with the locals, the filming, and the finalization of the film. This documentary is in competition for the Golden Frog award for Best Cinematography in Toruń.

Manaki Brothers Festival 2024, 45th edition Interview with Pablo Lozano about "Chronicles of a Wandering Saint", by Tomás Gómez Bustillo
By François Reumont, for the AFC

Festival Manaki Brothers 2024

Chronicles of a Wandering Saint is a first film from Argentina, directed by Tomás Gómez Bustillo and shot by Pablo Lozano. It features a woman of around sixty years old, living in a very rural community who is about to discover a providential lost statue. With her husband, she suddenly shares a plan to set a kind of funny miracle... But everything isn’t going to turn out exactly as she thought.
Recently released in Argentina, with real success (more than six weeks of theatrical release), this fantastic comedy is in official selection for the 300 Camera at Manaki 2024. (FR)

Manaki Brothers Festival 2024, 45th edition Interview with Claire Pijman, NSC, about "The Gate", by Michael David Beamish and Jasmin Herold
"Warriors of the wasteland", by François Reumont, for the l’AFC

Festival Manaki Brothers 2024

In The Gate, a documentary on the psychological and human toll of war on veterans and soldiers’ families, directors Michael David Beamish and Jasmin Herold paint a particularly bleak portrait of America. Blending a style that at times resembles fiction with classic documentary elements - such as voiceovers and everyday life - The Gate is shot and edited by Dutch cinematographer and director Claire Pijman, NSC. While in Bitola, she discussed this unconventional project, which was filmed in two sessions separated by the pandemic. (FR)

Two Pictures a Day in Peru - 6
Sixth Week : September 3-September 11, 2024

Two Pictures a Day in Perú

Gilles Porte, AFC, is currently filming Lady Nazca in Peru, a film directed by Damien Dorsaz. As in 2014 on 3000 Nights, by Mai Nasri, and 2015 on Dans les forêts de Sibérie, by Safy Nebbou, Gilles once again offers us two images per day, taken by him (unless otherwise stated) along with his commentary. A sort of diary of things seen or felt, moments captured on the camera or smartphone.
Here is the diary of the sixth and final week.

Two Pictures a Day in Perú (6)
Sixième semaine : du 3 au 11 septembre 2024

Two Pictures a Day in Perú

Gilles Porte, AFC, est actuellement en tournage au Pérou sur Lady Nazca, un film réalisé par Damien Dorsaz. Comme il l’avait déjà fait en 2014 avec 3000 Night, de Mai Nasri, et en 2015 avec Dans les forêts de Sibérie, de Safy Nebbou, Gilles nous propose de nouveau deux images par jour, dont il est l’auteur, sauf mention contraire, commentées par lui. Une sorte de journal de choses vues ou ressenties, instants saisis avec l’appareil photo ou le smartphone.
Voici le journal de la sixième et dernière semaine.

Two Pictures a Day in Perú (5)
Cinquième semaine : du 27 août au 2 septembre 2024

Two Pictures a Day in Perú

Gilles Porte, AFC, est actuellement en tournage au Pérou sur Lady Nazca, un film réalisé par Damien Dorsaz. Comme il l’avait déjà fait en 2014 avec 3000 Night, de Mai Nasri, et en 2015 avec Dans les forêts de Sibérie, de Safy Nebbou, Gilles nous propose de nouveau deux images par jour, dont il est l’auteur, sauf mention contraire, commentées par lui. Une sorte de journal de choses vues ou ressenties, instants saisis avec l’appareil photo ou le smartphone.
Voici le journal de la cinquième semaine.

Two Pictures a Day in Peru - 3
Third Week : August 13-19, 2024

Two Pictures a Day in Perú

Gilles Porte, AFC, is currently filming Lady Nazca in Peru, a film directed by Damien Dorsaz. As in 2014 on 3000 Night, by Mai Nasri, and 2015 on Dans les forêts de Sibérie, by Safy Nebbou, Gilles once again offers us two images per day, taken by him (unless otherwise stated) along with his commentary. A sort of diary of things seen or felt, moments captured on the camera or smartphone.
Here is the journal of the third week.

Articles (30)

Two Pictures a Day in Peru - 2
Second Week : August 6-12, 2024

Two Pictures a Day in Perú

Gilles Porte, AFC, is currently shooting Lady Nazca in Peru, a film directed by Damien Dorsaz. As he did previously in 2014 with Mai Nasri’s 3000 Night and in 2015 with Safe Nebbou’s Dans les forêts de Sibérie, Gilles once again offers us two images a day, photos that he has taken himself (unless mention to the contrary), with a comment. A sort of journal of things seen or felt, instants captured with the camera or smartphone.
Here is the diary of the second week.

Two Pictures a Day in Peru - 1
First Week : July 29 - August 5, 2024

Two Pictures a Day in Perú

Gilles Porte, AFC, is currently shooting Lady Nazca in Peru, a film directed by Damien Dorsaz. As he did previously in 2014 with Mai Nasri’s 3000 Night and in 2015 with Safe Nebbou’s Dans les forêts de Sibérie, Gilles once again offers us two images a day, photos that he has taken himself (unless mention to the contrary), with a comment. A sort of journal of things seen or felt, instants captured with the camera or smartphone.
Here is the journal from the first week… From July 28 - August 5.

Two Pictures a Day in Perú (3)
Troisième semaine : du 13 au 19 août 2024

Two Pictures a Day in Perú

Gilles Porte, AFC, est actuellement en tournage au Pérou sur Lady Nazca, un film réalisé par Damien Dorsaz. Comme il l’avait déjà fait en 2014 avec 3000 Night, de Mai Nasri, et en 2015 avec Dans les forêts de Sibérie, de Safy Nebbou, Gilles nous propose de nouveau deux images par jour, dont il est l’auteur, sauf mention contraire, commentées par lui. Une sorte de journal de choses vues ou ressenties, instants saisis avec l’appareil photo ou le smartphone.
Voici le journal de la troisième semaine.

Two Pictures a Day in Perú (2)
Deuxième semaine : du 6 au 12 août 2024

Two Pictures a Day in Perú

Gilles Porte, AFC, est actuellement en tournage au Pérou sur Lady Nazca, un film réalisé par Damien Dorsaz. Comme il l’avait déjà fait en 2014 avec 3000 Night, de Mai Nasri, et en 2015 avec Dans les forêts de Sibérie, de Safy Nebbou, Gilles nous propose de nouveau deux images par jour, dont il est l’auteur, sauf mention contraire, commentées par lui. Une sorte de journal de choses vues ou ressenties, instants saisis avec l’appareil photo ou le smartphone.
Voici le journal de la deuxième semaine.

Two Pictures a Day in Perú (1)
Première semaine : du 29 juillet au 5 août 2024

Two Pictures a Day in Perú

Gilles Porte, AFC, est actuellement en tournage au Pérou sur Lady Nazca, un film réalisé par Damien Dorsaz. Comme il l’avait déjà fait en 2014 avec 3000 Night, de Mai Nasri, et en 2015 avec Dans les forêts de Sibérie, de Safy Nebbou, Gilles nous propose de nouveau deux images par jour, dont il est l’auteur, sauf mention contraire, commentées par lui. Une sorte de journal de choses vues ou ressenties, instants saisis avec l’appareil photo ou le smartphone.
Voici le journal de la première semaine... du 28 juillet au 5 août.

Aymerick Pilarski, AFC, talks about his work on "Rendez-vous with Pol Pot", by Rithy Panh
"Big Brother", by François Reumont

Entretiens avec des directeurs de la photographie

After several documentaries on the Cambodian genocide, filmmaker Rithy Panh decided to venture into fiction, recreating the true story of journalists who got the only interview with the Khmer Rouge leader in 1978. This ambitious work combines scenes led by a prestigious cast, cutaway shots from archival footage, and long tracking shots of childlike models reminiscent of Michel Gondry’s style. The result is a strange film where naivety blends with historical reconstruction and characters sometimes happened to be on another planet. Aymerick Pilarski, AFC, lensed this show presented in the official Cannes Première selection. (FR)

Nicolas Massart, AFC, discusses the technical challenges involved in filming "Sous la Seine" by Xavier Gens
"A dive into troubled waters", by François Reumont for the AFC

Entretiens avec des directeurs de la photographie

Xavier Gens’ Sous la Seine has been available on Netflix since early June, and has since risen to become one of the most viewed programs on the platform. Meanwhile, the director, producers and the platform are being sued by another screenwriter who is claiming to have been the victim of plagiarism. This suspenseful film portrays the intrusion of a race of mutant sharks capable of adapting to fresh water and swimming up rivers, and has benefited from the fact that the Olympic Games are being held in Paris this year to generate buzz. Nicolas Massart, AFC, was in charge of the cinematography of this story, with many underwater scenes shot in the large European studio dedicated to this – Lites, in Brussels. (FR)

Interview with Julien Poupard, AFC, about “Langue étrangère”, by Claire Burger
"European friend", by François Reumont

Entretiens avec des directeurs de la photographie

Selected for Berlinale 2024, Claire Burger’s Langue étrangère (Foreign Language) crosses paths between France and Germany through a first adolescent love story. Julien Poupard, AFC, reunites with the director (with whom he has already shot several films) to bring this story of sensual, amorous and political awakening to life between Leipzig and Strasbourg. The film is in official competition for the 74th Golden Bear. (FR)

Interview with Kadri Koop : "Pierre Angénieux Special Encouragement" 2024
"Koop de grâce", by François Reumont for the AFC

Les entretiens au Festival de Cannes 2024

The 2024 winner of the Pierre Angénieux Special Encouragement Award is of Estonian origin. She has been based in the USA for 12 years, spending time in China first, just after finishing high school. This was her first experience living abroad, where she studied, learned a bit of the language and shot her first documentary films. Kadri Koop is a curious young woman, with varied experiences around the world, now working between Europe and Hollywood, where she resides and tends to a beautiful vegetable garden under the Californian sun.
She’s here at Cannes to talk to us about images, faces and zoom lenses ! (FR)

Films (45)