AFC movies

Family Tree (L'Arbre et la forêt)


Monsieur Gangster - Crooks in Clover (Les Tontons flingueurs)

Micmacs (Micmacs à tire-larigot)

The Day God Walked Away (Le Jour où Dieu est parti en voyage)

A Prophet

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Taking Woodstock


Villa Amalia

The Possibility of an Island (La Possibilité d’une île)

Largo Winch

Les Plages d’Agnès (The Beaches of Agnès)

  • Film by directed by Agnès Varda, set in images by Julia Fabry, Helene Louvart, AFC, Jean-Baptiste Morin, Alain Sakot, Agnès Varda
  • Cinematography by

    Hélène Louvart, AFC

  • French release : 1 December 2008
  • Read the article

Johnny Mad Dog

Tokyo! (Merde) (Tokyo ! (Merde))

Salt of this Sea

I Always Dreamed of Being a Gangster (J’ai toujours rêvé d’être un gangster)

MR 73

The Secret Life of Words



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